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Bjorn’s Corner: New aircraft technologies. Part 14. Airframe for lower friction drag

Aug 12, 2023Aug 12, 2023

Knowing my limitations, I leave the tech specifics to Bjorn, he is the professional in that field and he has the tools to do the calcs.

One of my questions has always been the moment arm where the further you get from the center, the more distance you move when you make a turn. I would like to see testing done in that area. It does not have to be a real BWB, just a mock up.

The other of course is evacuation.

I think its a very viable design for a freighter (floor loading would be interesting) and the military might well use it as a transport as the troops would be/could be trained for it.

Having seen a Blackhawks turn itself on its side 90 deg to the ground carrying troops, clearly they love the thrill (its forbidden but I had a wood cutting permit on base and saw it several times). Granted not all troops are as nuts as young infantry but it would also be controlled motion.