Home / News / How To Set Off The Nuke And Get A 'Champion's Domination' Win In Warzone 2

How To Set Off The Nuke And Get A 'Champion's Domination' Win In Warzone 2

Nov 08, 2023Nov 08, 2023

How to set off the nuke, blow up the Al Mazrah map and get a 'Champion's Domination' win in Warzone ... [+] 2.

It's finally happened: A Warzone 2 squad has blown up the map, instantly winning a special ‘Champion's Domination’ victory in the process. Players were hoping a nuke would be added to the original game as far back as Verdansk. It's been added to Warzone 2 at launch.

Here's how to drop a nuke on the new Al Mazrah map and score the most coveted W in any Battle Royale game. Warning: It's not anything like easy. Very few players will be able to finish this challenge, making it that much more of a triumph for the talented few who do. There are several steps to completing this process, and it's the first step that's by far the hardest. Here's a quick breakdown:

Yeah, so winning five matches of Warzone 2 in a row is . . . insane. You have to be the best of the best to even get two in a row. (I’ve gotten one W out of the eight or so matches I’ve played so far and I feel pretty good about that!)

As of this writing, only one squad has completed this mission. The squad was comprised of three teammates and one lucky random. Streamers EthanStellar, OPMarked, and Wagnificent are the first players to achieve a Champion's Domination in Warzone 2—and they almost didn't pull it off. I’m curious how long it will be until another squad claims the honor.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of exactly what happens and what to do once you’ve completed that first step and, somehow, gotten a 5-game win-streak. (I’m not certain if you need five first-place wins, or if winning a Top 3 victory counts, actually).

Once you’ve won five matches in a row you’ll load into the Al Mazrah map as usual, only you’ll see three curious markers on the map as you fly in:

Warzone 2 Nuke components

As you fly in, a message will appear that says "Champion's Quest Available. Check your Tac-Map for a new Champion's Quest."

Warzone 2

When you land at one of the markers on the map you’ll begin the Champion's Quest. The quest text reads: Build and arm a nuke. Destroy the Warzone.

At this point, a 26-minute countdown timer will begin, meaning you have the entire length of the map to complete the quest—or die trying.

Now that the quest is activated, you’ll see three circles appear on the left side of your screen. The first shows the letters Be—the abbreviation for the element Beryllium (#4 on the periodic table). This is the first of the nuclear bomb's components you need to find. Each of the three components is located in a small box and appears as an orb. The general location will show up on the map but you’ll still need to find the precise location. Listen, as the boxes emit a faint hum. When you find the Beryllium you’ll see a message that says "Tracking Device Activated."

Picking up an orb will mark you on the Tac-Map with a gold crown, visible to every other player in the game—painting a very bright target on your back for the remainder of the match.


Once you find Beryllium, the next circle unlocks after a short countdown. This circle says Pu—the abbreviation for the element Plutonium (#94). Once you pick this orb up you’ll begin to suffer the effects of radiation. Anyone near you will also be affected. It won't kill you—at least not very quickly!—but it adds a new challenge to the match. Players can pick up more than one orb or you can spread them out across your team.

The final circle will now activate. It shows up as T, the abbreviation for Tritium, a "rare and radioactive isotope of hydrogen." The message you see when you get to the box says ‘Scrambles Radar’ and once it's held, the Tac-Map is scrambled as though an enemy Counter-UAV had been used.


With all three elements in your possession, your squad is now marked on the Tac-Map making it easy for enemy squads to hunt you down. Your Tac-Map is scrambled, making it difficult to coordinate movement or see where to go next. And you’re suffering from radiation poison, handicapping your play. You now have to wait for a couple minutes—and stay alive—until the bomb site appears. It will show up as a red and yellow nuclear symbol the Tac-Map and in the game when you approach.

The bomb site.

Once it appears, each player carrying an orb has to deposit that orb into the bomb. Once all three are deposited, you’ll see a message telling you to activate the bomb. And once you’ve done that, a final one-minute countdown timer will pop up and you’ll be instructed to defend the bomb until it detonates—like a really, really high-stakes match of Search & Destroy.

Arm the Nuke

Now all you have to do is stay alive, fight off anyone who comes to kill you and make sure nobody deactivates the bomb before it goes off. If you manage all of that, the nuke drops on the map killing any other players still alive and awarding you and your squad the Champion's Domination W after a hard-fought victory.

Champion's Domination

As you can see, this is a real accomplishment and no small feat. Only the very best of the very best will ever be able to even start a Champion's Quest, let alone carry it out successfully. Even this team of top-tier players almost lost, with just one squad member left standing (and hiding) when the nuke finally exploded. It's almost lucky that nobody disarmed the bomb! Be sure to check out EthanStellar, OPMarked, and Wagnificent on Twitch since as of this writing, as far as I’m aware they’re the only squad to complete this madness.

I’m curious if there will be other Champion's Quests or similar mega-event-style missions added in the future (or if some are already in the game but remain under wraps). We shall see.

Oh, and I suppose scumbag hackers and their verminous ilk will also be able to complete this, unless Ricochet starts working better!

You can watch a truncated version of the match via YouTuber IceManIsaac below:

As always, I’d love it if you’d follow me here on this blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can stay up-to-date on all my TV, movie and video game reviews and coverage. Thanks! And check out my (rather humble by comparison) Warzone 2 win right here.

EthanStellar OPMarked Wagnificent How To Set Off The Nuke In Warzone 2 Beryllium Plutonium Tritium EthanStellar OPMarked Wagnificent